Parish history of Saint Seraphim of Sarov in Rawdon
Parish History of Saint Seraphim of Sarov in Rawdon
It was in 1954 that the first chapel, dedicated to Saint Seraphim of Sarov was built on 17th Avenue in Rawdon.
Built on the property of Reverend Father Oleg Boldireff, this chapel served the spiritual needs of the small Russian community during the summer season.
In 1966, a new chapel was built, this time on the grounds of the Orthodox cemetery on 15th Avenue.
A few years later, in 1997, Father Irénée Rochon was assigned as administrator of the cemetery and with the help of Father Marc Pierre and subsequently Father Daniel Baeyens, religious services were celebrated throughout the year and no longer just during summer.
Over the years, the small Orthodox community grew and the need to organize a parish arose.
The steps were taken and the official incorporation of the Saint-Séraphim-de-Sarov-Orthodox Parish was acquired in 2016.
The parish continued to use the cemetery church with the permission of the Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul Parish of Montreal, owner of the cemetery.
In January 2023, the United Church of Rawdon put its church up for sale, and after negotiations, the Orthodox Parish acquired it in April 2023.
This new church was placed under the protection of the Most Holy Mother of God, under the name of her Icon of Tenderness of Diveyevo, icon before which Saint Seraphim of Sarov prayed in his monastic cell and before which he surrendered his soul to God.
Today, the parish is served by Fathers Alexandre Janowski and Sérafim Tregubov.