New iconostasis

Everyone has probably noticed how our church has been transformed after the new iconostasis appeared, which was made and installed by our parishioner Claudio and his father, who came to visit his son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter this summer. How much time and effort was spent on this real work of art! On behalf of all the parishioners and clergy of our church, we wish our skilled and hardworking Claudio physical and mental strength, spiritual joy and God’s blessing on all good works and undertakings!
However, the work is not yet completely finished. The next and important stage lies ahead – painting icons for the new iconostasis. So far, only two icons have been painted – the Savior and the Mother of God. They have already been installed on both sides of the royal doors. At present, the royal doors and the side doors of the iconostasis are being made. After they are painted and installed, the icon painter John and his wife will continue painting the remaining icons. Of course, we would all like the new iconostasis to be filled with icons as soon as possible, but we must understand that the process of writing them is very labor-intensive, and not cheap. That is why in our church during the Liturgy we conduct a donation for the iconostasis, in which each of us can participate. There is also the opportunity to buy a specific icon for the iconostasis. To do this, you need to choose the icon you like on the plan that hangs in the narthex of our church and contact our rector, Archbishop Irénée.
We hope that with joint efforts and God’s help we will be able to finish the good work we have started – the beautification of our church.
You can donate for the iconostasis by one of the following ways:
- by check to the parish of St. Seraphim of Sarov;
- through PayPal (registration is optional):
- through CanadaHelps:
in any way convenient for you (contact deacon Denis).
“ So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. ” (2 Cor. 9:7)